Tag Archives: national farmers market week

Farmers’ Market Week Winners!

NOFA and the Vermont Farmers’ Market Association held a “selfie” photo contest in honor of National Farmers’ Market Week, August 3-9. What an amazing week it was! Fresh air, sunshine, outstanding food, and awesome friends. What more could we want?

Thank you to all of our photo contest participants and everyone who voted for their favorite photo. It was great to see how much enthusiasm Vermonters have for our local food producers. And without further ado, here is our photo contest winner and runners up!

Karin Bellemare "Queen Beet and King Carrot" at the Barre Farmers' Market
Karin Bellemare at the Barre Farmers’ Market, 1st place

Karin wins a $100 gift certificate to the market of her choice, and the Barre Farmers’ Market, where her photo was taken, will receive a $100 advertising stipend from NOFA-VT.

Manolo Zelkin
Manolo Zelkin, 2nd place
Beth Wallace
Beth Wallace, 3rd place

Farmers’ Market Week may be over, but it is still high season for Vermont’s bounty, and farmers’ markets are the best place to find fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese, baked goods, gifts, and more. Click here to find a market near you!

NFMW Video Contest Winners!

The Northeast Organic Farming Association and the Vermont Farmers’ Market Association are pleased to announce this year’s winner of the 5th annual National Farmers’ Market week film challenge! This year, we asked participants to submit videos that displayed their appreciation for the farmers and vendors that make their local market great.

This year, our first place prize goes to Stephen Pite for his video about the Capital City Farmers’ Market!

Second place goes to the Peacham Farmers’ Market,

and our third place winner is the Colchester Farmers’ Market.

Congratulations and a big thank you to all the participants who submitted videos to our film challenge, and don’t forget, this week (August 4th-10th) is National Farmers’ Market week – so get out there and show your love and support to the farmers and vendors that make your market great!